another great visit from sari

we are blessed to have the wonderful sari gaby join us multiple times each year in the drawing 1 and painting 2 classes here at WTHS. she shares her insights about portraiture as well as bits about her life and experiences.she finished a portrait from a live model in just over two hours this morning - and it was an invaluable experience for my students. you should check out her website or see me if you are interested in more information about classes, private lessons, or to have her come to your school.

and finally... a picture of the current project that my drawing 2 class is working on.

visit from sari

local portrait artist and all-around awesome lady sari gaby came to do a workshop for my drawing 1 class yesterday. as always, it was informative, fun, and inspiring for my students and myself. if you are interested in finding out more about sari or her workshops, contact me or check out her website.

here are some pictures of the workshop, as well as the most recent works of my junior student hannah as well as the display board with work on it from all my current classes. 
great stuff happening in the art room right now.